Obama Pushes Through Agenda Despite Political Risks
July 16th, 2010 . by TexasFredObama Pushes Through Agenda Despite Political Risks
WASHINGTON — If passage of the financial regulatory overhaul on Thursday proves anything about President Obama, it is this: He knows how to push big bills through a balky Congress.
But Mr. Obama’s legislative success poses a paradox: while he may be winning on Capitol Hill, he is losing with voters at a time of economic distress, and soon may be forced to scale back his ambitions.
The financial regulatory bill is the final piece of a legislative hat trick that also included the stimulus bill and the landmark new health care law. Over the last 18 months, Mr. Obama and the Democratic Congress have made considerable inroads in passing what could be the most ambitious agenda in decades.
Mr. Obama has done what he promised when he ran for office in 2008: he has used government as an instrument to try to narrow the gaps between the haves and the have-nots. He has injected $787 billion in tax dollars into the economy, provided health coverage to 32 million uninsured and now, reordered the relationship among Washington, Wall Street, investors and consumers.
Full Story Here:
Obama Pushes Through Agenda Despite Political Risks
It took a Jimmy Carter to give us a Ronald Reagan. Carter was such a miserable failure that we were able to overlook the few weak points that Reagan did present. His version of amnesty for ILLEGALS being foremost in my mind. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
What truly troubles me is this; we don’t have another Ronald Reagan on the horizon. The GOP is, for the most part, a disaster of the 1st order and manned by ditsy cheerleaders and RINOs the likes of Newt Gingrich, John McCain and Scott Brown, just to name a few. None of that will spark a renewed American spirit and economy. If anything, a weak GOP offering will give Obama another 4 years to destroy America.
Today we have a Democratic controlled Congress, Senate and Oval Office. The nation is a total disaster. And it’s NOT the fault of George W. Bush, at least, not fully his fault. The Obama thugs would have you believe that is the case, and to a point, they are correct, Bush does bear some responsibility for the current state of this nation. But if Bush was such a failure, why then did Obama and Company continue so many of the Bush policies and force upon this nation the biggest BAIL OUT program the world has ever seen?
The writer of the original piece says, “Mr. Obama has done what he promised when he ran for office in 2008″, and yes, he has, all that and more. He has let his mouth write checks this nation can’t cash. The bail outs have had only marginal success, the finances of this nation are far from secure. Doctors are contemplating retirement, or disassociating themselves from medicare patients because of this ObamaCare debacle. It will only get worse if allowed to continue.
But as he has done so, the political context has changed around him. Today, with unemployment remaining persistently near double digits despite the scale of the stimulus program and the BP oil spill having raised questions about his administration’s competence, Mr. Obama’s signature legislation is providing ammunition to conservatives who argue that government is the problem, not the solution.
BINGO! Real Conservatives, not GOP/RINO wannabes, but REAL Conservatives are calling it like it is. We see, and know what the problems are in this nation, and we want those problems resolved.
Anyone that is a long time reader of my blog knows, I wasn’t kind to George W. Bush. I thought him to be marginal at best, very dim at the worst, and a poor choice to lead this nation. But, he did beat the alternatives, both times. I am not kind in my assessment of Barack Hussein Obama, I believe he makes all other presidents not look so bad after all. I don’t just limit my critiques to the Democrats. I expect the best from ALL of our elected officials and I will take them to task if I feel they are giving us anything less.
Even before the November elections, the White House is being forced to recalibrate. This week, Mr. Obama and Senate Democrats decided to press ahead with a scaled-back energy bill, having concluded after months of gridlock that the sweeping measure they once envisioned simply would not pass. It is a tactic that the president will likely have to employ more and more after the November elections, when Democrats will almost certainly lose seats — and may even lose control of the House or Senate.