Obama still losing supporters and appointees
March 5th, 2009 . by TexasFredObama still losing supporters and appointees
WASHINGTON (AP) - CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta won’t be the next surgeon general, the Obama administration confirmed Thursday. Gupta, 39, a neurosurgeon with star appeal, was seen as President Barack Obama’s first pick for the job. He would have brought instant recognition to the office of surgeon general, a post that has lacked visibility since the days of C. Everett Koop during Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
Full Story Here:
Gupta withdraws from surgeon general search
WASHINGTON (AP) - The person Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner wanted as his chief deputy withdrew from consideration Thursday, dealing a setback to the agency as it struggles to address the worst financial crisis in decades.Full Story Here:
Treasury secretary’s choice for deputy withdrawsAt least on Wall Street, the honeymoon is over for President Barack Obama.
Polls still show the President has strong popularity among the general U.S. population, and Obama continues to command power in Congress. But among investors, fairly or unfairly, there is griping that the new Obama Administration is at least partly to blame for the recent slide in stocks. Since Nov. 4, Election Day, the broad Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index is off about 25 percent, and since Jan. 20, when Obama took office, the “500″ is down 15 percent.
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Wall Street not sold on ObamaDETROIT – Of all the words in General Motors Corp.’s 402-page annual report, none is more jarring than two written by the company’s auditors: “substantial doubt.”
Full Story Here:
GM’s auditors raise the specter of Chapter 11
The stories say it all. No upstanding citizen in his/her RIGHT mind wants to be associated with the debacle that IS the Obama administration.
And the last little blurb concerning General Motors, Obama and Company will just give them however many BILLIONS of OUR money it takes to keep on losing BILLIONS of OUR dollars.
Are you fed up yet?? How much more is it going to take for YOU to blow YOUR top regarding this travesty of a presidency?