Obama vows to use power to thwart terrorists
December 29th, 2009 . by TexasFredObama vows to use power to thwart terrorists
HONOLULU (AP) - President Barack Obama on Monday vowed to use “every element of our national power” to keep Americans safe and said the failed Christmas Day plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner was “a serious reminder” of the need to continually adapt security measures against changing terrorist threats.
But even as Obama spoke, word came that a State Department warning had failed to trigger an effort to revoke the alleged attacker’s visa. And officials in Yemen confirmed that the would-be bomber had been living in that country, where terrorist elements quickly sought to take credit for his actions.
The incident prompted stiffer airport boarding measures and authorities warned holiday travelers to expect extra delays as they return home this week and beyond.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, charged with trying to destroy an aircraft, is being held at the federal prison in Milan, Mich. A court hearing that had been scheduled for Monday to determine whether the government can get DNA from him was postponed until Jan. 8. No reason was given.
Full Story Here:
Obama vows to use power to thwart terrorists
In the now famous words of Rep. Joe Wilson:
Unlike Joe Wilson, I am not going to jump through hoops so I can immediately apologize to Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the most disingenuous group that this nation has ever had sit in the halls of the United States Congress.
Calling Abdulmutallab’s action an “attempted act of terrorism” Obama vowed to “do everything that we can to keep America safe” and declared: “The United States will more than simply strengthen our defenses. We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat the violent extremists who threaten us.”
I am seriously surprised that Obama used the term “attempted act of terrorism“, I honestly did NOT think he would call the actions of his Muslim brother an “attempted act of terrorism“. I am of the opinion that some of his advisers told him that right about now was a good time to grow a set, because the American people are sick and tired of this “overseas contingency operation” B.S. and all of the political correctness that it employs!
Members of Congress, meanwhile, questioned how a man flagged as a possible terrorist managed to board a commercial flight into the United States carrying powerful explosives and nearly bring down the jetliner. Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said Monday that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that he chairs would hold hearings in January.
Oh, Congress is looking into it! And Joe LIEberman is the chairman. How reassuring…
Obama, on vacation in his birthplace of Hawaii, acknowledged the attack showed the need to increase the United States’ defenses. He detailed the pair of reviews that he has ordered to determine whether changes are needed in either the watchlist system or airport screening procedures.
Isn’t it nice how the AP is so fair and balanced in their reporting? And so obviously NOT in the tank for Obama. I mean, they felt the need to stress ‘his birthplace of Hawaii’?
Nope, no way is the MSM in the tank for Obama, no favoritism here folks.