Obama: $900 billion to fix health care
September 10th, 2009 . by TexasFredObama: $900 billion to fix health care
Declaring that he is determined to be the last president confronted with reshaping health care in America, President Barack Obama proposed a 10-year, $900 billion plan Wednesday night to overhaul a system that he said had left the country at “a breaking point.�?
In a prime-time address to a joint session of Congress, Obama laid out the specifics of his proposal to change the way Americans’ medical care is paid for, responding to critics who have complained that he has not set forth precisely what he thinks the new program should be.
Full Story Here:
Obama: $900 billion to fix health care
“In a prime-time address to a joint session of Congress”, and anyone that fell for this truckload of Obamanure must have been smoking a joint. A BIG one. 10 years and $900 billion? I remember a time when they threw out numbers like $25 million and everyone just cringed. Then it was $500 million, and Oh My Gawd, then it was a BILLION. Well folks, get ready, TRILLIONS is about to become the new millions, but, there is good news. When we’re ALL broke, it can be a gazillion dollars and it doesn’t mean a damned thing, we’ll ALL be in the streets.
Obama outlined what he called the favored proposals of extremes on both sides of the health care debate: a single-payer system like Canada’s, in which the government provides coverage for everyone, and a dismantling of the employer-based system, leaving individuals to buy insurance on their own.
Look, I realize that The Obamessiah is touted as being the smartest guy around, but I don’t think he’s smart, I think he’s dangerous, devious and a hater of the American way of life.
Here’s my take on it; Canada is a great pattern for health care, if you happen to be a Canadian. If I wanted to have Canadian style health care, I would move to New Brunswick and take up life on the old family lands, but you see, I don’t want a damned thing to do with ANYTHING Canadian, not their government, not their way of life and certainly not their socialized medicine.
What do you call your government when they are pushing with everything they have to force SOCIALIZED medicine on the people of this nation? I call it a SOCIALIST government. I don’t care what the Obama lovers and wanna be Obamabots have to say, this is the United States and WE set the trend, WE set the standard and WE raise the bar on everything! WHY should we have to accept a 3rd rate medical system that we already KNOW isn’t going to work?
In blunt language rarely heard from a president from the halls of Congress, Obama used words like “bogus,�? “demagoguery�? and “distortion.�? He dismissed the death-panels claim as “a lie, plain and simple.�?
Wow, I had no idea he was going to point out the things HIS administration was doing.