Tea party hopefuls in close races
October 15th, 2010 . by TexasFredTea party hopefuls in close races
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Weeks from the elections, the tea party has proven it’s no flash in the pan. More than 70 of its candidates are on ballots from coast to coast, and nearly three dozen are locked in competitive House races, according to a state-by-state analysis by The Associated Press.
From the hundreds of conservative activists who took up the cause in races this year, these candidates - mostly Republicans - emerged to capture nominations and are running with the support of loosely organized tea party groups that are furious at the government.
Some of the candidates are political newcomers who have struggled to organize and raise money and have little chance of winning on Nov. 2. In some states, tea party groups are divided over whether to even back candidates or become active in campaigns.
But about 35 candidates appear to be waging viable campaigns that have put them ahead or within striking distance of their opponents, according to the AP analysis.
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Tea party hopefuls in close races
That’s is a warning that can’t be repeated too often. It’s a warning that ALL Conservatives and TEA Party members need to be fully aware of. The GOP has made it crystal clear, they WILL make every effort to co-opt The TEA Party candidates into the *BIG TENT*.
Former Senate majority leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), now a D.C. lobbyist, warned that a robust bloc of rabble-rousers spells further Senate dysfunction. “We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples,�? Lott said in an interview. “As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.�? SOURCE
Lott still pulls considerable influence within the GOP. Make NO mistake, the GOP, as a whole, is just as big an enemy of freedom and The TEA Party as is the Democratic party and the far left.
Also, there are many that will USE The TEA Party. They tout themselves as real Conservatives, and being the trusting souls that so many in The TEA Party are, they accept them at their word and never look into their backgrounds and experience.
How embarrassing was it for some folks when the YouTube of Christine O’Donnell surfaced where she admits to dabbling in witchcraft and to having had one of her first dates on a satanic altar?
There was some serious detective work that went into that endorsement huh?
The prospects for the tea party candidates have stirred anxious debate in both political parties. And their legions of backers have Democrats fearing that 2010 could be the reverse of 2008, when Democrats attracted 15 million first-time voters who helped the party win control of the White House and Congress.
Both major parties are afraid of The TEA Party. The Dems fear losing power because OF The TEA Party and the GOP fears not gaining power because of people like me that expose as much GOP corruption as I possibly can find. And because I don’t hesitate to take on the Good Ol’ Boys network, for what it is.
Jim Bennett, who saw his father, Utah Sen. Bob Bennett, dispatched by tea party activists who flooded the state Republican convention in May, described a movement motivated and energized “to burn down anything that had anything to do with Washington.”
Bennett says that like it’s a BAD thing.
“I’ve decided the Republican Party in Utah doesn’t exist anymore - it’s the tea party and the Democrats,” Jim Bennett, who managed his father’s campaign, said months after he was defeated.
And therein lies the problem. The GOP is a wreck. That is NOT just an observation. The GOP has fallen by the wayside in the Conservative arena.
Many have said that The TEA Party needs to exist as a grass roots organization. Many have said that The TEA Party needs to take over the GOP and fix it, take it back to being what it was in it’s greatness, the Party of Reagan.
Personally, I don’t believe that the GOP is worth saving. It is too corrupted by that *BIG TENT* thing we hear so much about. The GOP is not too far from being the Democratic party.