Gov. Perry defeats Hutchison in Texas GOP primary
March 3rd, 2010 . by TexasFredGov. Perry defeats Hutchison in Texas GOP primary
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry tapped into a rising wave of anti-Washington ire and rode it to an easy Republican primary win over Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, once seen as the candidate who could block his march toward four more years in the state’s highest office.
Perry emerged from the rancorous battle with Texas’ senior senator and a third candidate backed by some in the tea party movement to face a Democrat in many ways his polar opposite. Former Houston Mayor Bill White, a calm consensus-builder, easily defeated six opponents to win his party’s nomination.
Shortly after Hutchison called him to concede, Perry continued his non-stop attack on the nation’s capital, slamming Washington on spending, job losses and the heath care debate.
“Texas voters said no to Washington bureaucrats … and yes to leadership that controls spending, fights for individual freedoms and the United States Constitution,” Perry told cheering supporters at the famous Salt Lick barbecue restaurant in Driftwood, just outside Austin. “Hardworking Texans sent a simple, compelling message to Washington: Quit spending all the money!”
Full Story Here:
Gov. Perry defeats Hutchison in Texas GOP primary
The people of Texas have spoken. Rick Perry is the winner in the Texas GOP primary, and that should send a bit of a chill down Kay Bailey Hutchison’s back. Now she has a good idea of exactly where she stands in the eyes of Texas voters.
Gov. Rick Perry
With nearly all precincts reporting, Perry had 51 percent to Hutchison’s 30 percent. He managed to avoid a runoff even though nearly one in five voters cast ballots for the third candidate - Debra Medina, a GOP party activist who has strong libertarian leanings and supporters in the tea party movement.
The LAME Stream Media, for some odd reason, seems to think that Debra Medina was the main candidate in this race. They appear to believe that Medina was the darling of The TEA Party too.
She was not.
Medina did have some support within the ranks of The TEA Party, something close to the 17 or 18% she received from ALL voters I am guessing. I won’t further denigrate Ms. Medina, she is a *done deal* and there’s no need to beat a dead horse, but the media, in true fashion, once again gets it wrong about Medina and The TEA Party.
Regarding Kay Bailey Hutchison, she is a LIAR of the 1st order.