Hutchison irks right by including gay judge as U.S. attorney pick
November 5th, 2009 . by TexasFredHutchison irks right by including gay judge as U.S. attorney pick
WASHINGTON – Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison has sent the White House two suggestions for the post of U.S. attorney in San Antonio. One of the candidates is a highly regarded career prosecutor and judge who also, it turns out, is openly gay.
Some Republicans are vehemently and unapologetically not ready for that. That could make it even harder for Hutchison to woo social conservatives in her bid to outflank and oust Gov. Rick Perry in March.
Tim Lambert, president of the Texas Home School Coalition, a former member of the Republican National Committee – and, like nearly all prominent social conservatives in Texas who have picked sides, a Perry supporter – called the recommendation “very unusual and disturbing.”
“I suspect that a lot of Republican primary voters would find it interesting that Senator Hutchison would make that recommendation,” Lambert said.
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Hutchison irks right by including gay judge as U.S. attorney pick
Well how do you like that? Kay Bailey *I AM a Conservative and I want to govern Texas* Hutchison has endorsed a homosexual to be chief prosecutor in the Western District of Texas. Can anyone be more obviously out of touch with Texas, Conservatism and the reality of LIFE in the great state of Texas than Kay Bailout Hutchison?
Hutchison has been trying for a long time to piss off Conservatives in Texas. She has no interest in building a border fence; Hutchison on defensive over border fence, she earned the nickname *Bailout*; Congress OKs historic bailout bill, she supports a back door amnesty plan, Immigrant ‘Dream’ Act Fails Key Senate Vote and when it came time to defund Barack Hussein Obama’s bunch of lawbreaking thugs, ACORN, Sen. Kay *Bailout* Hutchison bails out on defunding ACORN.
Somehow, I am thinking that Hutchison needs to look up the definition of the word conservative, or maybe have one of her staffers look it up and then have a legal aid explain it to her. It is MY opinion that Kay Bailey Hutchison has absolutely NO idea what the word conservative, or the term conservative politics stands for.
It is also MY opinion that Kay Bailey Hutchison needs to be retired, permanently! And it’s not just her, it’s her partner in crime, John Cornyn, as well;
Last month, Hutchison and fellow GOP Sen. John Cornyn endorsed two applicants for chief prosecutor in the Western District of Texas, which includes Austin, San Antonio and El Paso: Robert Pitman, a U.S. magistrate in Austin, and San Antonio criminal defense lawyer Michael McCrum.
A bit further down in the story from Dallas Morning News it does go on to mention that Robert Pitman is the openly homosexual U.S. magistrate Hutchison has recommended.
Kay Bailey Hutchison is NOT what Texas needs, and she is about to get a lesson in Texas politics. She has been a U.S. Senator since 1993, and once upon a time, she was thought to be the greatest thing to ever come out of the state of Texas. But along the way, she changed. Her politics became those of a RINO, not a Conservative. She proved herself to be a Washington insider and that just doesn’t sit well with Texans. We expect our Senators and Congressmen to go to Washington and represent US, not some Washington insiders agenda!
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