House leaders win key converts on bailout bill
October 2nd, 2008 . by TexasFredHouse leaders win key converts on bailout bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - Desperate to avoid another market-crushing defeat, House leaders won key converts Thursday to the $700 billion financial industry bailout on the eve of a make-or-break second vote.
President Bush and congressional leaders lobbied furiously for the dozen or so supporters they’d need to reverse Monday’s stunning setback and approve a massive rescue plan designed to stave off national economic disaster.
Anything but reassured, investors sent the Dow Jones industrials plunging another 348 points, suggesting Wall Street is expecting tougher economic times even if the measure is rushed into law. The Federal Reserve reported record emergency lending to banks and investment firms, fresh evidence of the credit troubles squeezing the country.
“A lot of people are watching,” Bush pointed out - as if lawmakers needed reminding - and he argued from the White House that the huge rescue measure was the best chance to calm unnerved financial markets and ease the credit crunch. He was calling dozens of lawmakers, a spokesman said.
Full Story Here:
House leaders win key converts on bailout bill
We, The People are being ignored. 75% of the U.S. Senate has ignored the will of the people, we can only hope that the Members of Congress are more attuned to We, The People than our esteemed Senators are.
My Congressman is Mr. Sam Johnson. I really like Sam, he is a great guy over all, and he is a good man.
Sam Johnson returned home to Texas after serving in the U.S. Air Force for 29-years as a highly decorated fighter pilot. He flew combat missions in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars and was a Prisoner of War in Hanoi for nearly seven years.
After his distinguished military career, Johnson started a home-building business from scratch and served in the Texas legislature. In 1991, he embarked on a new mission of service to his country - representing the people of Texas’ Third District in the United States Congress.
A vocal advocate of less government and lower taxes, Johnson sits on the prestigious Ways and Means Committee. Johnson serves as the Ranking Member on the Social Security Subcommittee and is one of the few Members of Congress to have his own plan to strengthen Social Security with personal accounts.
One of a handful of combat veterans in Congress, Johnson has led the charge to stand up for the troops on the ground – regardless of the political posturing in Washington, DC.
Full Story Here:
U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson : Serving the 3rd District of Texas
I hope Mr. Sam is paying attention, because as much as I like him, and as much as I admire him, if he votes FOR this now close to $850B bailout BS, I will works as hard as I possibly can to make sure that this is his last term, nice guy or not, Vietnam and Korean war hero be damned, this is about saving America, not the corporate big wheels that are trying to destroy her!
Folks, our elected officials must be fully aware, they work for US, they work for you and me, as in We, The People. It is NOT the other way around, and any Senator or Representative that pawns this BS off on us needs to be fully aware of this fact, they just signed their own termination slip!

You are SO RIGHT! Thank goodness my representative Dean Heller voted NO on this bill. He’s been a great Congressman!
Uh…hmnnn…unfortunately, my senator is the “esteemed” moron Harry Reid…nuff said there… John Ensign is my other senator…and I agree with you…we should vote the both of them out for folding to lobbyists and for lying straight to our faces.
I’m sick of the lot of ‘em. We may just have to completely FORGET party lines and make our voting criteria simply this…if they were there last term…get ‘em out
I sent my Rep, Marsha Blackburn, a note thanking her for voting against that piece of crap, and hoping that she’ll vote no against it again. I also insinuated that if she didn’t, she would be losing my vote, as Lamar Alexander already has.
I’ve noticed even the left bloggers in TN don’t like this bill, and have contacted D.C. too. Quite interesting, don’t ya think?
Kate, I think it’s very interesting, let’s see if the Congress is listening…
I have it on extremely good authority that the *talking head* running John Cornyn’s web page is telling bloggers they are being *irrational* in their dumping support for him…
So, as soon as I have permission to USE that email I will, it appears that we are now irrational if we disagree with our elected SERVANT!
We, The People, we are pissed off and the critters in D.C. aren’t listening, but they will, and soon…
Irrational? jeeze louise! What is irrational is the sucking up to get some pretty packages with dollar marks the Senate is trying to pass out.
On top of that, I wonder if anyone in the Senate has actually read the Constitution? Any spending bill must be initiated in the House. The Senate can make suggestions, but…..
I’d be real interested to see the email. (Imagine evil grin!)
Kate, you, and everyone else needs to look at this link: On bailout issue, Cornyn and Noriega take issue with their parties and read the comments, there are a lot of *irrational* people involved in this I suppose…
Vincent Harris is going to wish he had never heard of me before this is over… Calling bloggers *irrational* because they know BULLSHIT when they see it?? I think not!!
OK, I have permission to post that email of Vincent Harris calling a blogger *irrational*, his name is Fred, on the net he goes by Phred…
This is the email he sent to Vincent Harris:
I will not support anyone that voted for the ” bail-out “.
The ” bail-out ” is another term for rewarding greed and graft in the system. Americans are more than tired of this behavior.
I have removed your website from my blog, and will not vote for John Cornyn in future elections
Fred P*****
And THIS is the response he got back:
I would have hoped you would think about this measure rationally before coming to quick conclusions about the Senator’s vote.
Senator Cornyn has consistently been one of the most conservative members of the Senate. He has served Texas well on issues from healthcare, to the budget, to the size and scope of government. The Senator has a proven track record of being a fiscal conservative and a conservative on issues such as illegal immigration.
I would hope you would remember his record and stand with him through the election.
To Mr. Vincent Harris, WE DID think of this rationally, otherwise we’d be on Cornyn’s door, demanding his head instead of his job…
If this guy was such a fiscal conservative, how could he, in good conscience, vote for such a piece of crap bill?????
Brainfart I guess…
There is something that is going on in that city that scares the crap outta me.
Zach Wamp in Tennessee is voting FOR the newest almost $900 Billion Bailout tomorrow. I’m willing to bet that Marsha Blackburn will also vote for it. Sen. Alexander and Corker already voted for it.
Jeez RT, I sure hope you are wrong about Marsha. I might not have any reason to vote at all. sigh…
Well Fred, you and I have talked at great length about our nations future.. And for those of you that were worried, rest assured Fred and I have come up with a solution. Unfortunately I can’t elaborate… LOL
I have been sending emails and making calls most of the day, I have ordered my NOBAMA signs, I have ordered my YES on 8 signs I am talking to everyone I can about the upcoming election, and I am continuously amazed at the lack of INFORMED voters out there. IF you can find a person under the age of 30 to tell you a few details of this bailout plan, the VP choice of the Republican party’s home state, and WHERE Obama is a senator from, YOU MIGHT be from Texas but HERE in CALI, they are few and far between… I think I know the reason though, I only speak english, maybe they just dont understand??? Sigh.
Robert! THANK GOD…there’s a conservative still left in CALI? I’m so happy to meet one in the flesh
I’m your neighbor over here in Nevada…and you and I live with the same embarrassment… You have Pelosi…I have Reid…YUK!!!
And…speaking of housing crisis and bad economic BS…ya know… I’ve seen it first hand here just a mere 12 miles from your border. For YEARS as the bubble was blowing up…at the height of the “housing boom”…SO MANY MANY left wing liberal moonbats cashed in on being able to sell their homes in CA for HUGE unrealistic profits and came to NV where for a time we were still fairly “normal” as far as the markets went…and could pay CASH for a nice home…and pocket (or blow) their profits. It was crazy!
AND…I shit you not…that wave of mass exodus from CA to NV changed our political landscape forever. NV never USED to be a swing state. So many libs moved here from CA…we’re now purple…was a tinge…but now is a light purple scarily leaning toward blue when this used to be a bright RED state. That’s why I’ve loved NV since 1986 when I moved here…it wasn’t that much different that TX back in the day.
Just a little food for thought…and WELCOME to a real life California Conservative…there’s still hope
You must be from Northern CALI
Malinda, you mentioned the mass exodus of people from CA to NV. Back in the mid-90′s, I was stationed in Great Falls, Montana and the folks there were concerned about the high number of people from CA moving into Montana…they called them Granola’s…fruits & nuts. Like NV, it seems the Granola’s are having an affect on the elections as Conrad Burns lost reelection to the Senate back in 06. He’s always been good for Montana. The people from CA were said to be escaping the high cost of living, crime, and problems of CA but they only brought it with them to MT. They don’t realize it’s their liberal politics that’s the root of all the problems they were trying to escape.
Actually Melinda I only live here, my heart is in NC…I have a few friends that capitalized on the housing bubble, they moved to NV and Ariz, They were of the conservative beliefs. I think some folks that left hurt CALI, as well as some that have left helped CALI, and hurt where they landed.
I live in the Southern Province of the The Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. In my area there are/were a lot more Republicans/Conservatives than most areas in Cali. Like I have said for many years, IF you want to see what is coming to the nation, look at California look at the governing body of California like a crystal ball… A Rino, A Liberal Congress, NO budget, No Morals, No Sense….
Something Robert said up there reminded me of the bit on Jay Leno, Jaywalkers. He asked people simple questions, and very rarely, can hey answer them. You know, questions like who is the VP of the country, who is Condi Rice, and even MORE simple ones. I look at these people, jaw on floor. Now, you know they all have a TV, and they could know the answers very simply if they would turn off MTV, or Survivor, or American Idiot…er Idol and watch a few minutes of news, even CBS or NBC. Pick up a paper, look at the front page. Shoot, they wouldn’t even have to read the whole thing!
This is the future? Total ignorance? And they vote. Which is why we are sooooo screwed!
He voted for it, you know it. They all did. The panic came to roost and here’s the rub — they ALL voted for it because they’re ALL complicit in some way or another; some are more complicit than others. I don’t think I necessarily look at it as politics anymore — it’s more like a very exclusive, money-making CLUB.
He WHO BZ?? If you’re referring to my Congressman, NO, by God HE DID NOT!
And I made that known in some of the posts above this… I am guessing you mean Sam Johnson, HE covers a multitude of possibilities…
FRED, I stand beside you, elbow to elbow.
Only a few have the guts to say it as it is.
You are one of the few.
So, do we both shoot? Or one of us loads.
I believe an “ALAMO” stand will be necessary!!!
So let me know, are you a good shot?,,,or a better re-loader.
Chuck, I can do both, at the same time, equally well… And I have enough magazines, I can shoot a while anyway…
Hmm….for some reason, the words “General Fred” popped into my head.