Let’s hear it for the Republicrats
February 1st, 2008 . by TexasFredLets give a BIG hand to the Republicrats
Republicrats, you say?? What is he talking about now, you ask?? Is he about to go off on one of those infamous TexasFred tirades??
Yes, I am!
A Republicrat is a creature that will support ANY Republican just because that person claims the title Republican and has an (R) behind their name, say for example, oh, I don’t know, John McCain maybe, just as an example.
And if you think that staying home or voting for Mickey Mouse in November expresses your anger, then you are simply daft. From: Bloviating Zeppelin
And from Write on the Right: I’ll be the first to agree that our choices for President in 2008 are pretty feeble. I will, however, say that the approach of “None of the above” is just as feeble.A certain individual (note he didn’t even have the decency to NAME me: Fred) that I used to respect has created an entire website (and blogroll) that subscribes to that belief. I think that “none of the above” is about the most asinine choice that a citizen can make.
Voting is not only our right (as CITIZENS), it’s our civic duty. I don’t care if there’s three candidates, or three hundred. We should all vote for the candidate that we feel will do the best job. If you don’t vote, STFU.“But this election, it’s just a choice of the lesser of two evils.” Bullshit. Pure and simple Bullshit.
Now I can agree, at least in part, with one of these statements, it IS our duty to vote, but it is ALSO our duty to demand the very best representation that we can garner, and this time around, we, Conservatives and Republicans, are NOT doing that, what do we do if the RNC and DNC offerings present NO decent choice??
Is a ‘write in’ out of the question if neither candidate is what an individual, or a group of individuals feels is NOT going to do a decent job?? By electing the one we feel will do the best job of the 2 that won’t do ANY kind of good job, we ARE settling for the lesser of 2 evils, no matter how you look at it.
In 1776 our forefathers put their lives and fortunes on the line when they signed the Declaration of Independence, they didn’t settle for 2nd best, they didn’t choose the lesser of 2 evils, they chose FREEDOM and they staked their lives and liberty on that act of revolution.
It’s time for another revolution in America, a revolution at the polls, the Republican party has turned their backs on the Conservatives of this nation, and without us, the Conservatives, the Repubs can’t get elected as dog catcher, and it’s time that we sent that message, in a way that maybe they will understand because apparently the message didn’t sink in during the mid-terms in 2006.
I never said I wasn’t going to vote, I said NONE OF THE ABOVE, and I still mean that, with the choices that BOTH parties are offering up, I can’t think of a more reasonable choice.
Barring a miracle, the RNC will tout John McCain (RINO), as their candidate, a man that is as far left as any person that the Dems may throw up at their convention, you know it’s going to be Hillary or Obama, that’s ALL they have, but I am firmly convinced that McCain is at least as bad as either of the Dems running, simply because at least the Dems are honest about 1 thing, they ARE Dem Libbers and they will look you in the eye and TELL YOU that they are, McCain on the other hand, tries to convince people that he is a moderate conservative and a serious Repub, but he’s NOT, he is closer to the declared platform of the Dems than he is with ANY Repub or Conservative, has stood with the Dems, McCain/Feingold and McCain/Kennedy and is an intimate friend of Billary.
None of the Above didn’t come to be until Fred Thompson, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter were out of the running, now, with the offerings from the RNC, I believe that None of the Above IS a real and viable choice, and I feel that we, REAL Conservatives and REAL Republicans, not the Republicrats, the REAL Conservative side in this nation must stand and make our protest strong, loud and easily understood.
And yes, I DO realize that’s giving the Dems a vote, but be that as it may, if the Repubs DO nominate McCain, then it’s time for all of the Conservatives of this nation to stand and let their feelings be known, and if it costs us the White House for 4 years, so be it, but you can bet that if it does, come election time in 2012, the Repubs will either listen to what we have to say or there will be a viable, Conservative party in the race.
I am seriously starting to believe that we MUST have a strong, viable, honest and incorruptible 3rd party Conservative offering.
No disrespect meant to BZ or JJ, I’m not engaging in insults or name calling, daft, asinine and feeble, but if the founding fathers had been as apathetic and timid as you 2 appear to be, we’d all be sipping tea, munching crumpets and shouting ‘God save the Queen’.
Sometimes you just have to stick your chin out there, and you may get hit a few times, but if you’re not willing to bring about a political change that really WILL change this nation, not the crap slogans the Dems are using concerning change, I mean REAL and SIGNIFICANT change for the better, change that will set this nation back on the course of liberty and freedom, then you’re not the American you think you are, a strong nation was NEVER built, nor rebuilt, by feint and apathetic hearts.

This is what Ann Coulter said about voting for McCain. She really makes her case in this discussion.
Right now, I’ll probably vote for Romney. Reason is that I believe he is “seeing the light” on Conservatism. Just the way Ronald Regan saw the light when he left the Democrat Party and became a Conservative Republican. It didn’t happen overnight with him and it’s not with Romney. I believe Romney to be an honest decent man who wants to do right for America. But, I still have that thing about him being elected by the same voters who continually reelect Kennedy and Kerry although I do believe in Redemption.
If McCain is the nominee, I’ll do a write in, most likely Thompson or Hunter. Reason is because of my personal integrity. You can take my life, money, family, and all that I hold dear but only I can loose my integrity and word of honor. I will no longer vote or support someone because he/she has a “R” behind their name.
Politics is a very personal issue and we all need to step back and take a deep breath.
This is a very trying time for all of us, our Party is going to Shit right before our eyes.
God knows I’ve said things I wish I hadn’t but if there’s one thing you’ve taught me Fred, nothing comes before friendship.
In the long run it will be friends that stand by us not any of these AssHats running for President.
I know there’s one thing we can all agree on, The United States of America is the best country of Earth, let’s all do our best to keep it that way.
Sometimes, a man needs a kick in the balls, just to let him know things are going the wrong direction. Our great country is not unlike this hypothetical man. For example: It took the near destruction of our Pacific Fleet before we jumped into World War II, and liberate most of the free world. It took 9/11 to awaken us to the dangers of Islam. Perhaps, it will take a taste of true socialistic rule to awaken this country to its dangers. Remember, ALL things are reversible. If the Libtards come out of this election victorious, the American voter can be told “Be careful what you wish for”, than later “I told you so”, and finally “Let’s fix this”. It will be a painful process, but God did not keep us around this long just to become the very thing we have beaten in the Cold War.
You all need to quit confusing this old recovering democrat. None of the above showed me that frustrated republicans do have a sense of humor and also take their politics more seriously than the dems.
I don’t know a soul in real life that doesn’t say “none of the above” when asked about a candidate from either party.
Fred and I have already been discussing the issue behind the scenes and I truly believe he and I have the same final goal in mind: the return of actual Conservatism; a difficult thing to quantify on every little issue but, like art, we know it when we see it, and we each have our own individual First Priority Issues. And yes, I need to step back; we all do — as Ranando points out — and take a deep breath. I think we only disagree on tactics. I apologized privately so now I’ll do so in public: Fred, you were offended, and I apologize. I truly believe we’re on the same team. We both, all of us, watched the GOP step away from us Conservatives first — we didn’t step away from the GOP first.
I would NEVER vote for Hillary, but McCain really isn’t much different than Hillary. A write in, or none of the above, sounds pretty good, but …. I don’t know. We are all discouraged. I’ve been in the dumps since Fred dropped out.
(Standing and Yelling)YOU SAID IT FRED!
I am sick and tired of settling for the dimmest and dumbest. We need to stop playing the name recognition or letter recognition game and actually take voting seriously. WE ARE PICKING OUR LEADER AND REPRESENTATIVE TO THE WORLD. Doesn’t that mean anything?
We are handing over everything we hold most dearly to a bureaucrat in Washington DC. My job is on the line. My family is on the line. My religious beliefs are on the line. Everything we hold high is fair game in DC. They can debate and pass a law on any subject. If they can win over the Supreme Court it is a lock for untold numbers of years.
Hillary wants to create national health care and destroy our world leading health care system. Will that effect your family? I know it will effect mine. Euthanasia and Abortion are big ticket items. If one of your family members have to expensive a health care problem will euthanasia be a viable treatment? Will it be the only thing fully covered under the new health plan?
McCain wants to legalize 25+million illegal invaders who have no respect for this nation or its laws. The very people who are driving states to bankruptcy will be given greater latitude to fully take down this nation. Does the fact that Juan believes it is okay to force-able have sex with any woman over 12 threaten your family? I have two daughters and will not let these rapists gain a foot hold in my nation. Does the fact that these willing and able workers occupy over 35% of our jail space when they are less then 5% of our population give you even a moments pause?
Wake up people!
You want a subject that gets a fair tempered person like me riled, this is it!
None of the Above is the most honest statement we can deliver on. Too bad we can’t get a law passed that makes it viable.
Damn, I pissed now.
Sorry Fred. I just had to say it.
No sweat man, I’m glad ya DID say it…
Maybe I’m just too damned old for all this, but choosing to write-in, on my ballot, “None of the Above†is an act of honor. In my humble, or not so humble, (as you choose), opinion, it would be dishonorable to cheapen the act of voting, of having MY say in who runs this country, after so many men have fought, bled, and died to just get me into to the voting booth.
I go into the booth alone. Well, not really alone. As a believing Christian I believe God is with me in that little bit of earthly isolation we call the voting booth. It seems to me, my duty lies not in supporting any group, not even my church, when down deep in the core of who I am, that secret place we all have where we KNOW in what, and in whom we believe, I know that group is not representing those core beliefs I hold dear. To support that group anyway, is an act of prostitution. It lessens one’s self worth. Every act of compromise, when that compromise means you must negate your core beliefs your “selfâ€, is an act of self-destruction.
I have always been something of “a square peg in a round holeâ€. So, if this makes no sense to you, you are not alone. But know this, deciding to write-in “None of the Above†on my ballot IS a vote. It is MY vote. It is a vote of protest.
I simply do not believe ANY of the candidates, from either party, is WORTH my vote. And they won’t get it!
And yes, I support an all Conservative Party… separate from the other(s). It would be a true SECOND Party as the Dems and Repubs have, for all intents and purposes, become a single party … Democrat and Democrat-Lite!
Best regards to all!
If you are going to vote for McCain might as well vote Hillary. She is McCain with breast. None of the above is a vote for America.
Longstreet…well said sir, very well said.
When I went to vote yesterday, I wanted so bad to vote Thompson, or a write in. I had seriously considered doing that before I ever went into the booth. After a lot of major thought, and prayer, I felt that if I did either, it would have been a vote for McCain. And I just could NOT do that. Some may believe I compromised my principles…… I hope not.
While I honor Sen. McCain’s service to our nation, I cannot forget Sen. McFeingold, Sen. McLieberman, or Sen. McKennedy.
..it is sadly to late to even hope for a conservative……a real one anyway….we are stuck folks……the best hope is to try to rebuild the Republican Party but that may not happen…the best thing is a true conservative party….there are enough of us around to make it happen but it doesn’t happen….I always blame the same thing…COMPLACENCY…it their apple cart ain’t overturned people just don’t care….shame on us…I am on the record now…It could very well be President Obama…coming soon at a theatre near us….
Democrat and Democrat Lite. What an amazing allegory Longstreet. AmeriCanaMex is my new term-why are we letting this happen? !!
While I as reading all these comments I was thinking that there just might be ONE who could be written in, besides None Of The Above - I’d write simply “Under God.”
At this point in our political stance in the USA, He is truly our only hope as conservatives. While the dream of a staunch Conservative Party is very admirable, and as alread stated seems undoable before this election year, we can be reassured that it is the Winning Party. The war has already been won. The question is who in America are we taking with us?
Maybe, just maybe, the dems and dem-lites (makes me giggle each time I read that) will actually begin to realize that the lack of political viability being offered across the board is reason to consider actually MAKING a stance on the real issues. Maybe, when voting NONE OF THE ABOVE, the political party arenas “in power” now, will realize the powerlessness they have and seriously reconsider how they present themselves.
Let’s pray we are able to get a majority of absolute Conservatives to truly THINK and truly ACT. I know you’ve added one C-party activist here now!!
Thanks to all of you for supporting Texas Fred, and understanding his viewpoint. It’s difficult to go against the grain, but some of the most beautiful art is rendered such, and that’s what we aim to do as the emerging C-party (my new short hand witticism). Take Note AMERICA!
Well I do agree with the sentiment, VOTING FOR MCCAIN IS NOT AN OPTION for me.
I don’t agree with Ranando on a few things but he hit this one on the head.
I’ve watched GOOD friends, become very angry at each other, I’ve seen former and Current Marines that used to be the best of friends become combatants among themselves all over a matter of opinion about this election and minor view differences. FOR WHAT? Nothing.
We all disagree with some things, we all have a differing view on different issues, but to quit talking to each other, or to lose friends because of those differences is pretty damn sad. WE HAVE FAR MORE IN COMMON, than we have differences.
This election will be over soon, and we are either going to be defending our vote, or blasting the idiocy of the elected party… Time to pull it together.
IF because I won’t for McCain, I lose friends… it is their choice and not mine. IF I lose friends because of the way I state my opinion and it is judged to be a slam at them, I will re-evaluate my words to see if it could be so, Then we can talk about it as friends…The Key word is Friends, all of us at one time or another had each others back in one forum or blog at one time or another.
We shouldn’t forget that.
Fair enough Fred. I still believe that sitting the election out is a piss-poor choice. The real “none of the above” movement is a good idea, but it’s pretty unrealistic; it would require a modification of the voting laws in EVERY state. Write-ins are always an option, but that’s pretty unrealistic as well.
We all know what is going to take place in November (and in the current primaries); it is indeed a sad state of affairs. There’s not enough voters with an intact set of balls to make anything worthwhile happen. You claim that I’m apathetic, but I believe that I’m just the opposite. Those that would sit the election out are apathetic, while I continue to encourage people to participate in the political process.
It’s a shame that you viewed my post as a personal attack; it was, clearly, a statement of political opinion. I stand by it. My remark about you has absolutely nothing to do with your political stance, merely your actions of late.
Thank you for the tactful quote; it’s not what I expected, and says a lot about you.
The way it is for me “None of the above” is my frustration at seeing a field of candidates where no one represents ME and what I want to see in a leader, a face for our nation.
Anyone who has read my posts, knows that I am not a John McCain supporter. But one important thing I learned in the military is focus. When confronted by enemy fire, you don’t have time for bias, dress codes, rules & regulations. It is a time to shoot back and kill the other sucker. As Patton said, let the other guy die for his county.
Well I am not voting Tuesday for McCain. But if he wins the nomination, and I am faced with Barrack Obama or Hillary Clinton or even worse both, I am not going to vote for them; I am not going to waiste my vote on nonsense’; I am not going to stay home and not vote.
As much as I am a conservative and love my conservative beliefs, I know that eithr one of these two will lead us not only left on the home front but make us more vulnerable on the battle front against radical Jihad terrorists. I will remember the firefight and survival is more important and thus will be forced to vote for McCain.
This Tuesday, I vote against McCain by voting for Romney. But in November, I vote for the sake of my country — not to save the Republican party — I vote for survival — I will not vote Democrat nor will I gamble with the security of my county by staying home, I will vote at that time even for McCain.
Now for all of you who are concerned, how many of you have stopped complaining and taken action by calling and writing all your friends and laying it on the line why you will vote for Romney over McCain? Or is it easier for all of use to just write in our blogs and complain. Yes, some of us may reach a lot of readers — but heck most of them already agree with us, BUT are you reaching your friends and family members. AGAIN WE WILL SOON ALL BE DEPLOYED ON THE BATTLE FRONT BECAUSE THE BATTLE FRONT IS COMING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - EXPECT A JIHADIST TO VISIT YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS SOON IF THE DEMS CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE. Open borders, weak national security will invite them right in!
Well Bill, I respect your position but there is no way in hell I’ll vote McCain, I’ll write in Hunter and Tancredo, and I know, that a vote for the Dems but I am beyond caring, I WILL NOT vote, ever again, for someone that I can’t support, don’t like and have NO use for…
John, I have NEVER advocated sitting the election out, that wasn’t me, I said NONE OF THE ABOVE, and that seems to have stirred a bit of controversy, it does NOT mean stay home, it means exactly what it says, NONE OF THE ABOVE…
And I am a firm believer in that philosophy…
But I am thinking you misunderstood MY stance, I WILL vote, but I am likely going to vote for someone that I write in, and that’s STILL a vote…
I hope this clears up ANY misunderstanding…
I dream of Hunter.
Robert, I will always be your friend, even if you DID vote for McCain.
I’m with Fred on this. With a couple of twists of course.
First, being for NOTA isn’t about starting up websites. It is about spending four years busting ass to even get it put up for a vote like myself and others did. It is about what to do with those that were on the ballot, as well as a lot of other things.
Protest votes are still votes. Tom Tancredo for President, period.