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Archbishop: No Communion for Biden

August 25th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Archbishop: No Communion for Biden

The Catholic archbishop of Denver says that presumptive Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. should not take Communion because of his pro-choice stance.

In an e-mail sent Sunday to an Associated Press reporter, Archbishop Charles Chaput called the Delaware senator’s support for abortion rights “seriously wrong.”

Sen. Joe Biden, the vice presidential half of the soon-to-be-official Democratic ticket buys a cup of coffee while making a surprise appearance Monday Aug. 25, 2008 at the Amtrak train station in Wilmington, Del., he has used for years to commute to his day job in the U.S. Senate.

“I certainly presume his good will and integrity,” the archbishop continued, “and I presume that his integrity will lead him to refrain from presenting himself for Communion if he supports a false ‘right’ to abortion.”

The archbishop also told the wire service he’d like to speak privately with the senator.

Sen. Biden did take Communion Sunday at his home parish, St. Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville, Del.

The debate among Catholics over who should and should not take Communion was a major issue during Sen. John Kerry’s 2004 run for the presidency when more than a dozen bishops publicly asked the senator not to present himself at altars in their dioceses.

Full Story Here:
Archbishop: No Communion for Biden

The ONLY thing I can agree with the Catholic Church on is their stance against abortion.

But quite frankly, I don’t understand their hypocrisy either. They stand against abortion because it IS wrong, and I applaud that stance, yet they refuse to OUT the pedophiles of the Catholic Church.

Maybe the reason they hate abortion so much is because it deprives them of more *potential* victims. Just sayin’… :?

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