Debra Medina and Ron Paul: The 9-11 Truther Connection
February 12th, 2010 . by TexasFredDebra Medina and Ron Paul: The 9-11 Truther Connection
When there’s this much stuff on the ‘net connecting Debra Medina to Ron Paul, how has that been missed by SO many and how can anyone possibly expect Medina to be anything other than a 9-11 Truther and at the very least, a closet Paulinista? A not so secret supporter and follower of Ron Paul?
You can read all about the moonbats that are 9-11 Truthers here: 9/11 Truth movement.
The Texas Republican gubernatorial primary was supposed to be a really big battle between two very large and important Goliaths. But a little David showed up and is threatening to toss a bag of tea in both their faces.
Debra Medina, a nurse and entrepreneur, entered the GOP’s gubernatorial primary with little to no fanfare. The “tea party” activist and Ron Paul organizer was expected to register, well, not at all. The first poll seemed to confirm her status as an also-ran — registering a mere four per cent as against two-term Texas governor Rick Perry at 46 per cent, and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison at 35 per cent. SOURCE
And when Ron Paul himself writes a glowing endorsement of Debra Medina…well, just read it.
I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine, Debra Medina. I have known Debra for over ten years and have always been impressed by her drive and commitment to principle. Debra has been a real defender of Liberty both in her home town of Wharton and across the state of Texas.
Debra has for years been a key supporter and member of my campaign team. As chairman of the Wharton County Republican Party, she has stood up to the big government establishment and fought to hold our party accountable to our platform and our conservative Texas values. Because of her leadership and organizational skills, I asked Debra to serve on the board of directors of my national grassroots action group, Campaign for Liberty, where she has played an important role in our fight to defend our Constitution.
In addition to her political accomplishments, I am proud of Debra for the person she is. Debra Medina is a loving wife, a home school mother of two talented honor students, and a successful business owner. Debra is a true success story and role model for Texans across our state.
I am proud to call Debra Medina a friend, and as a fellow Texan, I encourage you to get to know her. Debra is exploring a run for higher office and would appreciate your input on her effort. SOURCE
That, my friends, is from Dr. Moonbat himself. Ron Paul is a 9-11 Truther. He, and apparently, many of his supporters, believe that the U.S. government attacked this nation on 9-11, and brought down the World Trade Center Towers and took a huge chunk out of the Pentagon.
I have heard it said from some of the 9-11 Truthers that American Airlines Flight 93 was brought down by U.S. jet fighters as well. To my simple way of thinking, all those accusations do is denigrate the efforts of the HEROES of 9-11 and cheapen their memory!
Then we have this descriptive of Ms. Medina:
While on the road in Austin, Texas last Friday, January 22, 2010, Wayne Slater, a reporter for the Dallas Morning News, a Belo corporation company, spoke on KLBJ radio. During his interview, discussing the upcoming Texas gubernatorial debate, he described Debra Medina as a “Ron Paul libertarian.” Glad I’m not alone in my assessment of Mrs. Medina and her crypto-libertarian supporters.
I’d really like someone to discuss Mrs. Medina’s lawsuit AGAINST the Republican Party of Texas! SOURCE
The following is what may very well turn out to be a prognostication that came out terribly wrong, and far too soon.