Report: Illegal immigrant minors mistreated by US
November 14th, 2008 . by TexasFredReport: Illegal immigrant minors mistreated by US
DALLAS (AP) - Federal authorities have compromised the rights and safety of some unaccompanied illegal immigrant children they have detained, and inadequate government guidelines are partly to blame, according to a Texas-based research group.
Many children appeared before immigration judges without legal representation, some were transported home in shackles or cages, and the medical needs of some were ignored, according to a report released Thursday by the Center for Public Policy Priorities, a nonprofit think tank.
“There’s no consistent policy. There’s nobody who’s responsible for these kids, in looking out for their safety,” report author Amy Thompson said. “It’s being handled in ad hoc fashion.”
The Department of Homeland Security, which oversees immigration and border enforcement, disputes the center’s findings.
“DHS and its component agencies treat all minors, including unaccompanied alien children, with dignity, respect and special concern for their particular vulnerabilities,” spokeswoman Laura Keehner said in a statement Thursday evening.
Full Story Here:
Report: Illegal immigrant minors mistreated by US
Get ready for it Conservative America, it is coming just as surely as you are reading this story!
George W. Bush, nearly ALL the Dems and far too many so-called Repubs tried to ram AMNESTY for ILLEGALS down our throats a while back but folks like us launched a huge campaign of phone calls, emails, snail mail, whatever it took, and we got it stopped. We ALL worked together and we accomplished the feat of turning the wants of the president and many legislators around and we got this travesty stopped.
It won’t happen again, not anytime in the near future.
We are about to be saddled with the most liberal/leftist president in the history of this nation, and a Dem/libber controlled House and Senate. They are going to give these *poor immigrants* more rights and benefits than WE have. And who do you think is going to be paying for it?? Yeah, that’s right, you and me!
Until 2 years ago our RINO president had a RINO majority in the House and Senate and he still couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a set of directions. Don’t for one minute believe that Obama will be so challenged. He will take FULL advantage of his Dem/libber majority and use it to the fullest extent when it comes to matter such as ILLEGALS in America, they will NOT be ILLEGALS for too much longer.
Obama will have the support of asshat RINOs like John McCain, Kay Bailey Hutchison and the like, RINOs and socialists, that is what the Republican party has become, and we can expect nothing from 90% of what is left of the Repubs in Washington! And to be even more honest, even if McCain would have become POTUS, this would still be the likely outcome, with a Dem majority in Congress, McCain would have been comfortably within his element, he is, after all, the biggest RINO, FAUX Republican and anti-Conservative, anti-guns, pandering LIAR that has ever been foisted off on the American people. And a huge number of supposedly intelligent people fell FOR that too!
The debacle that America is about to become would happen regardless of which party won, simply because there is NO real difference between the 2 parties, and the Bush administration was as far from being a REAL Conservative administration as one could ever imagine, that is the precise cause of our current maladies.
There is a bright side though, at least for some people. The *poor immigrant* that is only trying to make a better life for himself and his family will soon have that better life, at OUR expense, as OUR lives spiral downward because OF it!