Lawmakers, Muslims criticize prince over comments
January 11th, 2009 . by TexasFredLawmakers, Muslims criticize prince over comments
LONDON (AP) - Lawmakers, Muslim groups and the Pakistani public criticized Prince Harry Sunday after a British newspaper published video footage of him using offensive and racist language.
Harry, third in line to the British throne and an army lieutenant, issued an apology on Saturday after the News of The World reported that he had used offensive terms to refer to people from Pakistan and people of Arab descent.
Britain’s opposition Conservative Party leader David Cameron said Harry’s comments undermined work to root out racism from the country’s armed forces. “It is obviously a completely unacceptable thing to say,” Cameron told the BBC.
Harry is purported to have made the remarks in 2006 during a visit to Cyprus to carry out training exercises with fellow military cadets. In the video, Harry is heard to refer to one colleague as “our little paki friend” - using a derogatory term for people of Pakistani origin.
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Lawmakers, Muslims criticize prince over comments
You want to know WHY Great Britain isn’t any longer? Great that is?? People like Prince Harry are THE very reason that Great Britain is no longer *great*. Now before you go to thinking that I’ve turned over a new, and politically correct leaf, think again.
If Harry had referred to the Paki as a Paki, and left it at that, I would have had NO problem with it. *PAKI* isn’t a race, it’s a shortening of the name Pakistani. How in the hell can saying “our little paki friend” be construed as a racist remark?
People from Great Britain are often referred to as *BRITS*. Is calling an Englishman a *BRIT* racist? I use the screen name *TexasFred* and many of my friends shorten that and call me *TEX*. Is calling me *TEX* a racist reference? I don’t think so. I don’t take being called *TEX* as any kind of an insult, I’m from Texas, and I wear that name with pride.
In MY opinion, if the Paki’s consider the use of that name to be *racist*, they, as do many others, need to look up the REAL definition of the word RACIST! Calling someone from Pakistan a *Paki* may be a slur in the minds of *some*, but there again, those same people see EVIL when we refer to ILLEGAL Mexicans in this nation as *wet backs*. Those same people see evil when we call head scarf wearing individuals *ragheads*. I suppose calling the Palestinians *Pallies* is considered to be racist too now that I think about it. Well, racist to *some*.
Those are NOT racist remarks, not in MY opinion. They may be interpreted as slurs by some, but they are, basically, statements of name in fact. And once again I say, PCness will be the death of this nation.