Judiciary Republicans delay Sotomayor vote 1 week
July 21st, 2009 . by TexasFredJudiciary Republicans delay Sotomayor vote 1 week
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate Judiciary Committee has put off its vote on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor for one week after Republicans asked for a delay.
Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy says the vote will occur on July 28. The Vermont Democrat says he’s disappointed the GOP held up the committee’s action, but predicts Sotomayor will join the Supreme Court in time for an earlier-than-usual first meeting on Sept 9.
Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the senior Judiciary Committee Republican, says President Barack Obama’s first high court nominee is on track to be confirmed in early August - a slightly faster timetable than GOP-nominated Chief Justice John Roberts.
Sotomayor is expected to be confirmed easily
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Judiciary Republicans delay Sotomayor vote 1 week
Sotomayor may indeed be a done deal, and easily confirmed, but I have to ask, WHY?
Are our Senators that gutless? Are they afraid that if they don’t confirm Sotomayor they will be labeled as racist or sexist? Are they afraid of Obamanure? What is it about this Sotomayor that makes her qualified for the Supreme Court? I just don’t get it.
WASHINGTON — An aide to Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins says Collins will vote for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.
Spokesman Ian Swanberg says Collins is preparing a statement detailing her support for President Barack Obama’s first high court nominee. Sotomayor is in line to become the first Hispanic and third woman justice.
Collins becomes the fourth Republican to say publicly she’ll break with her party’s conservative leaders to support Sotomayor. The federal appeals court judge is expected to win confirmation easily in a Senate vote early next month.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on Sotomayor’s nomination for later Tuesday, but panel Republicans are expected to block the action and force a one-week delay.
Full Story Here:
GOP Sen. Collins to support Sotomayor for court
And to the people of Maine; you should ALL be ashamed of yourselves. YOU are the ones that put her in office, YOU are the ones that let her STAY in office. I hope you get exactly what you deserve for putting this notorious RINO in the U.S. Senate!
If the people of Maine have ANY guts at all, they will spend the next few days HAMMERING this RINO Collins and making her painfully aware that she is currently enjoying her last remaining days as a U.S. Senator.
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