Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic
March 28th, 2009 . by TexasFredCritics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic
NEW YORK (AP) - Even without the name, the symbolism of the Freedom Tower as an American response to the Sept. 11 terror attacks was hard to miss.
The original architect designed a twisting form he wanted to imitate the Statue of Liberty, with a spire that rose to the deliberate height of 1,776 feet to recognize the year of American independence. Politicians called the tower proof of the country’s triumph over terrorism.
Former Gov. George Pataki said visitors to the iconic skyscraper “will know our determination to overcome evil” in a 2003 speech that first gave the Freedom Tower its name.
The tower - still under construction with a projected completion date of 2013 - no longer has the same architect, design or footprint on the 16-acre site. And this week, the owners of ground zero publicly parted ways with the Freedom Tower name, saying it would be more practical to market the tallest building in New York as the former north tower’s name, One World Trade Center.
Critics called the name drop an unpatriotic shedding of symbolism by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Some newspaper editorials blasted the agency for years of missed deadlines and changing plans for the site.
Full Story Here:
Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic
One World Trade Center is not going to be a memorial, it’s nothing more than a commercial venture, one that is designed to make money for it’s builders and developers. Once upon a time, when passions were running high and patriotism was the order of the day, FREEDOM TOWER had a great ring to it. It made most of the American people feel proud, like they were personally doing something to defy those that brought the Twin Towers down, defy them and their terrorist masters.
In this time of uber-PCness, more accurately, the Obama administration, patriotism is pretty much a thing of the past for approximately 50% of this nation. Live and let live, forgive and forget, a few verses of Kumbaya, read a list every so often and what the hell, it’s a done deal, patriotic duty met.
But others privately repeated fears that have plagued the building as negotiations with major corporations to take up space in the tower came and went: that the 102-story Freedom Tower’s name could make it more susceptible to future attacks than a symbol of defiance against it.
Lets make this crystal clear for the politically correct and mentally challenged appeasement artists among us. The very rebuilding of that tower makes it a target, a HUGE target, regardless the name it bears.
When the president of THIS nation declares that there is no more War on Terror and directs the effort to be called the Overseas Contingency Operation, when the president of THIS nation reaches out a hand to the Iranians, to the very people that are still doing everything in their power to bring death and destruction to America, when the president of THIS nation, along with his evil minions, makes every effort to turn this nation into a socialist haven, when the president of THIS nation forces a bill through the congress that mandates mandatory service for our youth, in an organization frighteningly similar to the Hitler Youth, when the president of THIS nation declares that he wants a civilian defense force that is equal in power and capabilities of our armed forces, and to have FULL CONTROL of that civilian force, what else can you expect?
To be quite honest with you, I am totally surprised that the damned project hasn’t been renamed ‘Our Worshipful Leader Obama Towers’. And don’t be at all shocked if it’s NOT named in his honor before it’s all over…