Mexico cops shoot doctor in hunt for governors killers
November 22nd, 2010 . by TexasFredMexico cops shoot doctor in hunt for governors killers
MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexican authorities say police accidentally killed a doctor in the Pacific state of Colima while looking for the assassins of an ex-governor.
State prosecutor Arturo Diaz says police were mounting an operation in the area where former Gov. Silverio Cavazos Ceballos was gunned down Sunday when the doctor was scared by the officers and ran.
Diaz told the Televisa network that police shot him when he ignored orders to stop.
Several police were detained.
Cavazos left office a year ago. He was killed outside his home in the capital city also called Colima. Economic Development Secretary Rafael Gutierrez Villalobos was wounded in the attack.
Diaz says the state has a sketch of one of the killers but no motives.
Full Story Here:
Mexico cops shoot doctor in hunt for gov’s killers
I try to keep my blog on the cutting edge of all things law enforcement, and I maintain some very good contacts in the field, confidential sources.
Those sources have just paid off!
The TexasFred Blog has a copy of the suspected killers likeness. In the interest of public safety, please share this with ALL of your contacts.
This vicious killer MUST be caught!
Mexican migrants should form convoys for safety
It’s the holiday season in America! Many will be going home for the holidays. Isn’t that such a sweet sentiment?
And what do we get here in Texas? Governor Perry supports sending troops to Mexico. As I have said previously, Rick Perry is a MORON.
I have long held that our border problems are easily fixed. It’s just going to take leaders, and a few citizens with the GUTS to actually make it happen. Border Report Calls for Military Response to Southern Border Crisis. And that my friends, is the solution. Militarize OUR southern border.
MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican government is telling migrants driving home for the holidays that they should form convoys for their own safety while traveling through Mexico.
The Interior Department said the government could even provide escorts for such convoys to get them through dangerous areas. It said the Mexican army would assist in the program to help migrants return safely from the United States. Mexico is experiencing unprecedented levels of drug cartel violence in some border areas, making it dangerous to travel on some highways, particularly those in the Gulf coast state of Tamaulipas and some leading to the northern city of Monterrey.
In the past, those routes have been heavily used by migrants returning to their hometowns. Migrants have also been targeted in the past by common criminals for robberies or extortion because they often bring new vehicles, cash or appliances with them.
Full Story Here:
Mexico: migrants should form convoys for safety
Here’s a suggestion for the U.S. government, one that I have made every year during the holidays for quite some time; wait until all of the Mexicans that are going back to Mexico for the holidays are gone, THEN…seal the border. How simple can I make it for them?
Now pay close attention, I am going to lay out exactly how to make this happen;
1st: We get rid of RINOs, Dems and anti-American asshat Kenyans and install an AMERICAN president that has nothing but the best interest of America in his heart.
2nd: We round up and deport every ILLEGAL in this nation, ALL of em. And yeah, it CAN be done.
3rd: Once all the ILLEGALS are out of the USA we seal the Mexican border and use a few of those tactical nukes we have that are just going to waste.
Wait until the wind is straight out of the north and hit every Mexican city on the border, Tijuana to Matamoros.
4th: We station troops on OUR side of the border and shoot ANYTHING and ANYONE heading NORTH. All southbound traffic gets a free pass.
And once more I ask, can it be made any more simple?

I am 100% in favor of getting all of these illegals out of our USA and nailing the border shut and shooting to kill anyone who attempts to enter illegally.
I am tired of all the crimes caused by the illegals.
I am tired of the costs our govts are paying out to these leeches who do not belong here.
If they want to come into the USA, do it the legal way and pay your way.
If you can’t do this, then stay in your own country stink-hole, and try your best to clean up your own country.
No more illegals here!!!!!
Fred, that “police sketch” is a hoot! What’s not a hoot, as you point out, is the fact our government cares more for the safety of illegals going home for the holidays than they do for US Citizens that are threatened every day by these drug cartels and human traffickers! It’s outrageous that we have troops to “escort Mexicans”, but very few to send to protect our borders! I think your plan has merit, and like you and mrchuck, I am just sick of illegals, their crime, and our leaders who pander to them in hopes of getting votes!
HAM — OUR troops aren’t going to be escorting them…
The Interior Department said the government could even provide escorts for such convoys to get them through dangerous areas. It said the Mexican army would assist in the program to help migrants return safely from the United States.
They are talking about escorting their own people in their own nation… THAT I have NO problem with… Mexico has an Interior Department… WE have a Department of the Interior…
The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s natural resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities, and supplies the energy to power our future. U.S. Department of the Interior
They don’t pull security details for a bunch of wetbacks going across Mexico…
Fred, lets save the nukes for the rag heads in afghanistan and put 10,000 NG troops on the border armed with .50 caliber sniping rifles with night vision scopes and KILL anything that is walking north on two legs. Have some back up with a couple armored divisions just in case the drug cartels start feeling like they want to be badasses or something.
I don’t give a shit if the illegals ARE just trying to better themselves. They can apply at the front gate LEGALLY like the other immigrants and start paying their own way.
Vigilante — BINGO!
But I still want to nuke the bastards…
That Vicious Killer just stole my Fritos!
That does tell us how far the situation has deteriorated in Mexico.
You’re right, Fred, about sealing the border when the migrants cross over to Mexico to celebrate Christmas with their families.
Addendum: Don’t announce that the border will be sealed. No advance warning!
Question. Would that make them chili verde, sangre, Colorado or some other variant..?
Ah, the Frito Bandito. Memories.