Obama Recasts Asia Trip as Jobs Mission
November 5th, 2010 . by TexasFredTalk about bad timing.
Just days after American voters sent President Obama a blunt and angry message about their desire to see him do more to fix the economy, Mr. Obama is heading overseas this morning on a 10-day foreign trip to Asia.
The president will go to India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan on a mission that will involve issues of global security, international trade and economics, improving cultural ties, preventing terrorism and some personal diplomacy. He will dine with foreign leaders, give a speech about Muslim outreach and attend summits on global finance.
Full Story Here:
Obama Recasts Asia Trip as Jobs Mission
It’s ALL ABOUT THE JOBS! Mister Obama is a goin’ to save us ALL! So he says. But…isn’t that what he said when he was running for office 2 years ago?
Obama is taking another vacation at OUR expense. But, as the next story so poignantly points out, Obama *gets it*.
After election rebuff, Obama admits shortcomings
WASHINGTON — As he prepares to embark on a 10-day trip to Asia, President Barack Obama is acknowledging in the wake of this week’s election rout that he hasn’t been able to successfully promote his economic-rescue message to anxious Americans.
Obama says in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” that he “stopped paying attention” to the leadership style he displayed during his run for the presidency.
Obama also said he recognizes now that “leadership is not just legislation,” and that “it’s a matter of persuading people. And giving them confidence and bringing them together. And setting a tone. And making an argument that people can understand.”
Full Story Here:
After election rebuff, Obama admits shortcomings
Obama has not *seen the light*, Obama has seen the *pink slip* that the Dems were handed and he knows that HE is next.
If Obama REALLY wants to be understood, he wouldn’t be taking this trip to Asia, rumored to be costing the American taxpayer an estimated $200 MILLION a day. I know that Obama and his administration say that figure is *much inflated*, but to date, Obama hasn’t been the most truthful, or frugal person America has ever seen.
Obama is making excuses. It’s THAT simple.
He wants to ‘set a tone and make an argument that people can understand’? Obama believes the American people are too stupid to understand. We are supposed to follow him blindly. We are to trust him, and ALL he does, without question. Otherwise, WE are *The ENEMY*.
Tea Party Flexes Muscle with Republicans
WASHINGTON — The incoming leadership of the new House Republican majority hardly had a chance to relish its dismantling of the Democrats before the Tea Party came calling in the form of Representative Michele Bachmann.
Full Story Here:
Tea Party Flexes Muscle with Republicans
And THAT is what we’re counting on. The TEA Party is going to hold ALL of them accountable.
There has been a message sent, Obama has had the crap scared out of him and now he is even more dangerous than before. The Dems are rapidly joining the ranks of the unemployed and it has them in a full blown tail spin. Mission partially accomplished.
Now we not only have to keep the Dems in check, we have to make sure that the current NEW crop of Republicans don’t become the next herd of RINOs.
I have to tell you, I am afraid this nation is more threatened NOW than we were. Obama and Company are going to be a desperate bunch, and we will be on the receiving end of their wrath if the current majority isn’t 100% on their game when it comes to bringing CHANGE to America that America can LIVE with.
I have pointed this out before, and I am afraid it’s going to happen soon, Obama will discover the power of *The Executive Order*. That is the worst possible scenario for the American people.
I am not certain what the Congress can do in that case, regardless of the GOP control, but we are in the most dire position I can remember America facing. This isn’t the *Cold War* and threats from Russia we face, this isn’t the Vietnam war, this is the enemy within. This is an enemy that only seeks to destroy the United States as we know it.
The enemy is NOT at the gate, the enemy in within the walls.