Mexico: Prison guards let killers out, lent guns
July 26th, 2010 . by TexasFredMexico: Prison guards let killers out, lent guns
MEXICO CITY — Guards and officials at a prison in northern Mexico allegedly let inmates out, lent them guns and sent them off in official vehicles to carry out drug-related killings, including the massacre of 17 people last week, prosecutors said Sunday.
After carrying out the killings the inmates would return to their cells, the Attorney General’s Office said in a revelation that was shocking even for a country wearied by years of drug violence and corruption.
“According to witnesses, the inmates were allowed to leave with authorization of the prison director … to carry out instructions for revenge attacks using official vehicles and using guards’ weapons for executions,” office spokesman Ricardo Najera said at a news conference.
The director of the prison in Gomez Palacio in Durango state and three other officials were placed under a form of house arrest pending further investigation. No charges have yet been filed.
Full Story Here:
Mexico: Prison guards let killers out, lent guns
These are civil servants working for the Mexican government. The SAME government that Barack Hussein Obama fawned over, the SAME government that is presided over by a man that stood on the floor of OUR Congress and denigrated Arizona, it’s push for REAL immigration reforms, and America in general, Felipe Calderon.
I am not an alarmist, I am a truth teller.
I have a lot of very strong ideas and attitudes concerning Mexico, the folks that run the place, as well as the ILLEGALS that filter through there and into our nation and economy, but I reserve my most vehement contempt for the government of this United States of America and those in power in Washington, D.C., from the President right down to every Senator and Congressman!
Their utter lack of doing ANYTHING to truly protect this nation from the SCUM that lies just below our southern border, or that which has seeped into this nation and brings us down to Third World status is what angers me the most. That, and the continued stupidity of the Obama Regime as they continually try to foist Calderon off on Americans as a caring, benevolent leader and ally.
Prosecutors said the prison-based hit squad is suspected in three mass shootings, including the July 18 attack on a party in the city of Torreon, which is near Gomez Palacio. In that incident, gunmen fired indiscriminately into a crowd of mainly young people in a rented hall, killing 17 people, including women.
The situation in Mexico brings many thoughts to mind, first and foremost for me being the utter corruption that runs rampant throughout the entire nation.
All levels of Mexican government, the military, Los Federales, Los Policia and politicians, ALL of them are totally corrupt, with a hand out for any form of graft they can find. And Obama seems to be OK with that, from a country he calls a strong ally and friend.
Over the weekend there was a story that went viral on the web, Ranches had been invaded in Texas. The story has so far turned out to be totally false.
There have been a few reasonable blog sites that discredited the story right from the start, this blog was one of them, because, you see, I DO have great resources here in Texas and I was shocked that those sources couldn’t confirm an INVASION.
There IS a possibility that a story such as this could actually come to fruition in the near future, a very distinct and believeable possibility, given the weak border defenses we have with Mexico. What this bogus story DID do is point out the possibility of armed invasion as a real threat.
Given the propensity of the Mexican government, the Cartels and many Mexican citizens to break laws, OUR LAWS, and given the obvious lack of *give a damn* exhibited by the Obama regime, it only stands to reason that a corrupt nation such as Mexico could, and probably WILL spawn an armed invasion across our border.
What do you suppose the reaction from the Obama regime would be?
Mexico has long had a problem with investigating crimes, catching criminals and convicting people. Reports estimate less than 2 percent of crimes in Mexico result in prison sentences. But Sunday’s revelation suggests that even putting cartel gunmen in prison may not prevent them from continuing to commit crimes.