Mexican drug cartels target bystanders
July 30th, 2008 . by TexasFredGUAMUCHIL, Mexico - The three teenagers started their big weekend singing “Happy Birthday” to the parish priest.
The next day, they prayed for hours with their church youth group, then went on to a quinceañera, Mexico’s archetypal 15th-birthday celebration. As the party wound down, they talked their parents into letting them go for a late-night cruise down the main drag in Guamuchil, a Saturday night ritual in this sleepy market town, friends and family say.
During that cruise, investigators believe the teens inadvertently blocked drug cartel assassins in hot pursuit of their enemies. Once police arrived in the wee hours of July 13, the assassins were gone but the three teens and a 12-year-old girl who was riding with them lay dead in their cars. Four others — another teenager and three adults — were dead in nearby cars. There were 539 bullet casings on the ground.
The killings here — a massacre of eight people who were not suspected of drug-trafficking ties — punctuated a vicious turn in Mexico’s drug war, a savage conflict between rival cartels and the federal government that has taken more than 7,000 lives in the past 2 1/2 years.
Full Story Here:
Mexico’s drug cartels target bystanders
I am of the opinion that it is only a matter of time until this violence spills over to our streets right here in the USA.
The gangs are in place, our borders are wide open and the invaders and gang members are still pouring in, more and more every day. Basically unimpeded.
I’m an America 1st kind of guy, I believe in protecting this nation, OUR nation, and I am of the belief that we MUST close our border with Mexico, seal it. I also believe that we MUST place troops along that border, National Guard troops, and we must allow those troops free reign. *Shoot to KILL*, anyone crossing that border at anything other than a legal border crossing.
And I make no apology to ANYONE for taking that stance.
But because OF that stance I am called a racist, a NAZI, a hate monger, and an extreme right winger by a contributing writer at Real Clear Politics.
I want to make this VERY clear to all the folks that have been reading here from the link at Real Clear Politics, if my beliefs as to the way we need to protect America offend you, click the *X* up there at the top right of the screen and LEAVE. And don’t come back. I don’t NEED, nor do I want your kind of patronage.
If my wanting to protect this nation from the hordes of invaders offends you, if it makes you think I am a racist, then YOU are not a person I care to be associated with in any way. LEAVE, and don’t come back to this blog. I am NOT about to change my beliefs to suit YOU or any RINO, faux intellectual, over educated, under employed, career frustrated, so-called professor at some 5th rate community college.
Aztlan wants about 1/3 of this nation as theirs, not as a part of the USA, but as a nation of Aztlan, not the United States. They feel it is owed to then, that it was stolen from them by the Gringos, and they want it back.
We can fight now, or we can fight later, if there’s any of you out their that have the balls to fight and defend your homes.
The USA is our home, and if some of us don’t have the balls to stand and defend her, we won’t be long in losing our home, and anyone that doesn’t have the fortitude to stand and defend this nation can kiss my assumed to be racist, NAZI, hate mongering, and extreme right winger ass.
Does that spell it out well enough for you Donnie?