Attacks kill at least 21 in Mexican border cities
September 16th, 2009 . by TexasFredAttacks kill at least 21 in Mexican border cities
TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - Firefighters found six bodies inside a burning car in Tijuana, and 15 people were killed in three separate shootings in another northern Mexican border town besieged by drug violence, authorities said Tuesday.
Near Mexico’s southern border, meanwhile, the bullet-ridden bodies of eight men suspected to be drug traffickers were found in a Guatemalan frontier town.
In Tijuana, across the border from San Diego, four bodies were found in a burning compact car’s seats and two in the trunk, according to a police report Tuesday.
The victims’ identities and the motive for the killings were not released, but the Mexican city is on a major route for drugs heading north and has recently seen a wave of violence between warring gangs. The bodies were found Monday night.
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Attacks kill at least 21 in Mexican border cities
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if the president has given ANY indication that our borders are going to be closed? And closely guarded by National Guard troops?
Yeah, I know, it’s not going to happen. It’s been many years since we had a president that possessed the fortitude to actually address the problems that this nation faces. At least to address them in a realist manner.
Where border security issues are concerned, it looks like border states are going to have to stand on their own if they want to actually have border security. I can’t speak regarding California, Arizona or New Mexico, and their efforts to secure their part of the U.S./Mexican border, but I know what Texas Governor Rick Perry is doing;
HOUSTON - Special teams of Texas Rangers will be deployed to the Texas-Mexico border to deal with increasing violence because the federal government has failed to address growing problems there, Gov. Rick Perry said Thursday.
“It is an expansive effort with the Rangers playing a more high-profile role than they’ve ever played before,” Perry said of the Department of Public Safety’s elite investigative unit.
The forces, dubbed “Ranger recon” teams, are the latest effort “to fill the gap that’s been left by the federal government’s ongoing failure to adequately secure our international border with Mexico,” he said. SOURCE
Texas isn’t going to take this stuff laying down. Texas was born from a fight for freedom, freedom FROM Mexico. Texans have been fighting Mexicans since Texas came to be. It’s nothing new here, it’s just what we do. And today, Texas is once again in a fight to stop Mexican drug cartels from coming to power here.
Some folks, particularly U.S. Senator Kay Bailout Hutchison, claims this is a reelection stunt. She says that Perry only ordered this because he’s looking for votes. I beg to differ Sen. Hutchison.
I believe that Gov. Perry has, as have most Texans, had all of this BS he can stand. I believe he sees the dangers that Texas and it’s citizens are facing from these cretins in Mexico. I believe he is acting to protect Texas and the good folks OF Texas.