Police Officers FIRED for being TEA Party Members
October 26th, 2010 . by TexasFredWest Tawakoni is a small town in East Texas, they don’t have a lot of TEA Party members and I am not sure how well connected they are to the media , but I know how well connected I am.
EDIT by TexasFred — Oct. 27 @ 10:30AM: I guess The Tawakoni Area TEA Party must not be worth the time or effort of the Dallas TEA Party. Small potatoes to a powerful group like them I guess. I contacted one of their ‘founders’ yesterday and asked for help from their very large, and supposedly powerful group and I have heard nothing back from them. So much for TEA Party loyalty and the idea of working together to get things done. This has been sent to Drudge, Breitbart, FOX and Friends, several other FOX News on air personalities and several of the local media here in the Dallas area, but I can’t stress this enough, the MEDIA needs to get ALL OVER this one. If you have ANY contacts in the media, send this to them.The media, and most of Conservative America got their knickers in a twist over Juan Williams being fired by NPR, a case that was, in MY opinion, a libber reaping what he had sown. If Conservative America can get involved and fully outraged over that, what will their reaction to this be?
I sincerely hope it’s not one of apathy.
Please, feel free to forward this to your email list and to ALL media that you may have contact with! It is that important!
From Lake Tawakoni Area TEA Party News
On October 20, 2010 Police Chief Jack Schultz was put on 10 days unpaid suspension at which time he will be terminated. This is a man that has served this city for twenty years and acts as a fatherly figure to his community while keeping us safe.
Sergeant John Becket has Proudly & Bravely served his community for over nine years and operates as a protector and referee of the law instead of a small town speed trap cop as the mayor has publicly announced he wants in he new police department.
These are the sole actions of Mayor Pete Yoho and are being done against the will of the majority of the city council.
A coup d’état ( or /ku de.ta/) or coup for short (French for overthrow of the state), is the sudden unconstitutional deposition of a government, usually by a small government’s surrender; or the acquiescence of the populace.
From Stormin’ Norman:
Re-Call Time For Mayor Yoho…run him out of town!
Mayor Pete Yoho has to go! The citizens of Lake Tawakoni have the right to re-call the mayor and fire him. They can do this at any time they see fit and apparently the time is fit! This has got to be the most un-American action taken by any mayor in the history of the country. Did the mayor of Chicago get rid of Barack Obama as a community organizer for Obama’s ties to the Communist Party USA? You just don’t fire someone for their political party affiliation…Oh, but we’re going to do that on November 2nd !!! ~ Norman E. Hooben
From Texas TEA Parties:
Police Chief Suspended and Police Officer terminated for affiliation with Tea Party-West Tawakoni, TX
Friday, October 22nd, 2010
Subject: City Council Meeting in Tawakoni October 26, 2010
ATTENTION ALL TEA PARTY MEMBERSAs most of you all know Johnny Beckett was terminated as an Police officer in West Tawakoni Wednesday Oct 20th and Chief Jack Schultz on Suspension by the Mayor of West Tawakoni Pete Yoho. The main reason for this action is their affiliation with the Tea Party. During last Tuesday nights meeting the Mayor publicly slandered the LTATP, Jack Schultz, Johnny Beckett, Candy Schultz, Bill Creed, Ed Watson, Carol Soloman, Laura Beckett, and my self. We need all members of the Tea Party to be at the next meeting at city hall Tue, Oct 26th at p.m.. These men are great officers and deserve all of our support. Chief Schultz has been on the police force for many many years and he also served as a volunteer fireman when ever needed. Help is needed. SOURCE